from spontaneous play to discovery


in uno spazio morbido, colorato, sicuro e a misura di bambino, i nostri piccoli sperimentano il piacere nello scoprire le loro competenze motorie

Psychomoter Skills

The Psychomotor Practice, which our school offers every day, has the goal of promoting universal emotions through movement, symbolizing investments in objects and space, and understanding the dynamic relationship of sharing with other children.

In a soft, colorful, safe and child-friendly space, our little ones experience the pleasure of discovering their motor skills and the pleasure of being together in a free and spontaneous way of playing. The psycomotorist offers his support within the group, reassures and accompanies every single child within the activity, recognizes the motor, cognitive and affective values that give meaning to each spontaneous interaction, and supports them in the path from thought to action.

Our activities

Drama Project

progetto teatrale

Swimming Pool

materna con piscina

Pony Project


Garden project

progetto orto didattico

Educational field trips

Psychomotor Skills
