laboratori di musica

laboratori di arte e manualità

ludoteca motoria

corsi di nuoto e yoga in inglese

Our Philosophy

Attention to relationships and emotions

Our pedagogical project focuses on recognizing the childs core and believig that every child is competent, interactive, and naturally predisposed to having relationship with others. Through these relationship – with adults, peers and the environment as a whole – the child develops his or her skills Through exchanges and comparisons between others, and his or her own self, he child builds his or her identity

Central is the attention to relationships and emotions as the basis on which the learning processes are built. We think of learning as a true desire to know conveyed by a good affective relationships, and by good communication between children, adults and peers. In our School, learning contexts are conceived and created where the environment is organized so as to be welcoming, attractive and purposeful experiences that lead to doing, acting and the ability to rework.

An experience based method to become more open and sociable

Each child interprets, in their own way, inputs from adults and the environment. A welcoming and stimulating environment of 600 square meters for children, where an experienced method is practiced. The laboratory, as a place of discovery and recognition potential, is an active method. Thanks to the daily presence of an Italian teacher flanked by an English teacher, the child is immersed in a perfectly bilingual reality.

Our activities

Drama Project

progetto teatrale

Swimming Pool

materna con piscina

Pony Project


Garden project

progetto orto didattico

Educational field trips

Psychomotor Skills
