Every theater is an education

progetto teatrale

tramite il gioco del teatro i bambini sperimentano, mettendo in gioco le proprie potenzialità, superando i propri limiti

all’interno del laboratorio teatrale, i bambini entrano ed escono da personaggi, situazioni, emozioni, incertezze

Drama Project

“You can do theater, anywhere, as long as you find the place where the fundamental condition for the theater is created, that is, there must be someone who has identified something to say, and there must be someone who needs to listen to it.
What we are looking for, therefore, is the relationship.
Every theater is an education ”

Here is why we have a theater workshop

From the age of three, children have developed a sense of symbolic play, created in a place where they can express themselves through a multiplicity of languages; through experimentation, and the simulation of characters and moods.
In this space, children can symbolize their personal experiences, externalize their hidden emotions, be able to recognize their emotions, and communicate their identity.

Thus was born the desire to create a theatrical laboratory aimed at theatrical play on the theme of emotions (anger, anger, fear, loneliness, awareness …). Through theater play children experience, through fiction and therefore in a protected situation, stories and situations where they can push their potential, overcome their limits, discover and value themselves, all while problem solving and searching for a happy ending.

Through games and exercises with the body and voice based on improvisation techniques, the expressive potentials that lead to the construction of a character will be highlighted.

Inside the theater workshop, children can ‘enter and leave’ characters, situations, emotions, uncertainties; to express fears, to increase trust in oneself and in others, and to value diversity for mutual enrichment.
Children will be able to give body and voice to their emotions through theatrical play, thus helping to define their identity and finding a place in the world!

This project aims to be a work carried out on the theme of identity, the need for its affirmation for each of us, the need for acceptance and consideration that we have throughout the course of our lives.
The end of the theatrical path is not ‘the show’, but how to look for a context and a path that favors, in each child, the discovery of their creative and communication skills that become their personalities.

“Si può fare teatro ovunque, purchè si trovi il luogo in cui viene a crearsi la condizione fondamentale per il teatro; deve esserci cioè qualcuno che ha individuato qualcosa da dire. E deve esserci qualcuno che ha bisogno di starlo a sentire.
Quello che si cerca, dunque, è la relazione. Ogni teatro è pedagogia”

Our activities

Drama Project

progetto teatrale

Swimming Pool

materna con piscina

Pony Project


Garden project

progetto orto didattico

Educational field trips

Psychomotor Skills
