La nostra Scuola adotta una filosofia educativa internazionale

i nostri bimbi arrivano da tutte le parti del mondo

apprendere due lingue significa avere più risorse

Bi-lingual Project

As an enrichment of the educational offered, the nursery school proposes music workshops with the innovative soundbeam method, art and dexterity, drama, the motor playroom, the swimming course, yoga in English, and pre-school teaching activities for numerous educational outings throughout the year.

Our school adopts an international educational philosophy where children develop their own personality and independence, towards an increasingly intercultural society. The child acquires skills and knowledge of the various “subjects” using both languages. Children know more than two cultures, because our children come from all over the world – Korea, Brazil, Europe, etc. – in this way they are more open, more sociable and open to international experiences. Learning two languages ​​means having more resources to grow in a world full of possibilities.

The total physical responce method

Our approach is based on TPR, “Total Physical Response”, where language is coordinated with movement, to develop completely, and in an intuitive way, the innate learning potential of each child. Through music, images and movement, cognitive, linguistic and socio-emotional capacities are stimulated. Older children continue to reading and writing through the “Jolly Phonics” approach. The method allows to correctly assimilate the sounds of the language helping to develop, immediately, a correct pronunciation of English.

Our activities

Drama Project

progetto teatrale

Swimming Pool

materna con piscina

Pony Project


Garden project

progetto orto didattico

Educational field trips

Psychomotor Skills
